Hands-on business technical courses to help you regain your independence, privacy and freedom. The reason WHY they censor you and shut you down is simply because you are dependent on their platforms. Learn the skills needed to create your own platforms and spare yourself the agony of uncertainty, fears, embarrassment, pain and years of effort suddenly dashed away.
Over the past 18 months the course, its contents and its infrastructure has been tested thrice, the last test run having 13 participants from various parts of the globe such as USA, Canada, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean and the “capacity” lessons learned have been put in place. Additionally, many of the connectivity related issues were identified hence why the pre-requisite video below is important to watch by anyone wanting to take the course.
No illusions nor lock-ins as we hold your hand from start to finish. At the end of the training you will be fully equipped to start any modern day digital technical online business using your own independent infrastructure!
It Took us 9 Years To understand the “HOW TO” while endlessly testing/practicing when Implementing…NOW! ALL YOU SIMPLY NEED IS A MERE 3 MONTHS!
A similar set of resources that you will need to setup your own business are the same resources that will be provided. For your own business you will need a public IP address and thus in the course you will also be using and setting up a public IP address and the same for all the other resources.
The digital world is one of constant attempts at locking you in one way or another. We show you how to recognize them and how to avoid that as best as possible starting by using appropriate Open Source where ever you can.
No! we do not use “simulations”, no gimmicks, no work-round”s, no illusions just hard-core hands-on practical skills that you will need to use to set your own independent business infrastructure up.
Learning by doing as then it makes any theory easy to digest and what better way to learn than to do so in a guided and structured manner to achieve maximum retention and confidence.
Skills acqusition needs time and practice but if you are committed you certainly can do it.
LIVE Instructor led classes
The master plan is to give you the solid skills to confidently build and implement your own internet system for your online digital life so that you can continue unhampered to do what you love doing. At the end of the training we are not simply interested in leaving you with what we call "Lock-ins" or making you dependent on "proprietary" stuff either (as we refused to do that to ourselves so why should we do that to you?) as the idea is to give you the highest possible level of INDEPENDENCE moving forward eliminating any needless lock-in or dependencies on "third party tools and software that often benefits "other" rather than yourself.
That said, we also guide you anyway as we are fully aware that you probably have, financially, taken a hit so money may be in short supply so we provide you genuine guidance on how best to get the equipment's you need to get started with next to no cashflow as much of what you learn (and is demonstrated during learning) is based on "Open Source". For the "Ultimate Package" equipment's are included. For the actual course itself the only pre-requisite you need is the will to learn and the ability to "Listen", relax and have fun as you learn. We provide EVERYTHING you need to obtain a fully fledged hands on unique in-depth practical training from servers, to apps, code and even the DNS names and addresses etc.
It does not matter whether you have basic ICT skills or not, nor does it matter if you are male or female as the global reset attempted to crush everything middle class and lower so irrespective of gender this is your opportunity to pull yourself up by the bootstrap and take full control of your digital life. Yes! if you intend running a business or simply continuing your digital online passion that got abruptly snatched away from you by the uncertainty created by the sudden global reset, at the end of the training you will certainly need a few (external to the course) pre-requisites to get your business off the ground, such as your own physical equipment's or virtualized environment, but all that is dependent upon what you intend doing with your new found skills. At the end of the course you will be better mentally positioned to know exactly how to setup your business/passion in an independent and cost effective manner.
No prior technical skills are necessary as if you have the desire to learn and are handy with navigating a computer environment we are confident that we can train you to the standard where you can build and run your own infrastructure from the comfort of your home once you finish the course. The global reset exposed you to the notion of uncertainty use it as a learning stone to now ensure that going forward YOU control your OWN destiny/narrative by taking back control of the digital world that you once gave others trustingly and faithfully. It is time to TRUST yourself and trust in your own independence/control. On completion of the training as a means of helping you slowly gain the confidence to stand totally independent on your own with your new found skills and maintain your own online infrastructure you have 3-6 months of free consultancy from me where if you have a problem with your infrastructure I shall guide you on how to fix it if needed.
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